• Oxalis Chemicals
Oxalis Chemicals Ltd.
Total Chemicals Distribution Company
Oxalis Chemicals is handling sales of chemical products as the sole distributor of Shell Chemicals.
To meet various needs of our customers, we strive to promote synergies among the Uyeno Group’s distribution and storage services and ensure safe and efficient delivery of our products.
Environmental and Safety Initiatives
As a member of Uyeno group, Oxalis Chemicals pursuer Ueno Safety policy “Protecting the environment through accident-free operation is critical to the mission of Uyeno Group, and one of the most important factors in gaining the trust of our customers..” As a distributor handling chemical products, we set Commitment and Policy on Health, Safety, Security, the Environment and Social Performance (HSSE & SP). In line with the policy, we embed HSSE & SP management system to strive to contribute the sustainable development.
Our Business
We are a chemical trading company providing general-purpose petrochemical products, functional chemicals and specialty chemicals as well as import/export, storage and delivery services.
About us
Oxalis Chemicals, which predecessor company is Shell Chemicals Japan, was established in October 2018 depending on its stock transfer from Shell group to Uyeno group.
Oxalis Chemicals was merged with its associated company, Japan Chemtech, in April 2019.
Company overview
  • Head office address

    7F Kasumigaseki Bldg.,2-5 Kasumigaseki 3-chome,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 100-6007 JAPAN

  • Date of establishment

    Jun 21th,1963

  • Capital

    ¥250 million

  • Fiscal year ends

    March 31st

  • Number of employees

    52 (as of April 1st, 2024)

  • Net sales

    ¥36,136 million(fiscal year ending March 31st, 2024)

  • Nature of business

    Import Export, Sales, Repacking smaller, Blending, and Storage of the below products1.Chemical Products and Heavy Chemical such as Feed Stock of Solvents, Synthetic Fiber, Detergent, Coolant, Rubber, Plastics, Pharmacological Products, Cosmetic Products and Antioxidizing Agent, Additives for Resins, Water Treatment, Soil Treatment2.Catalyst of Petroleum Processing3.Toxic Substance and Deleterious Substance4.Lubricants and Additives for Lubricants

  • Chairman

    Gen Uyeno

  • President

    Daisuke Kiritani

  • Managing Director

    Kazuhiro Kiriyama

  • Director

    Takeshi Yanagawa

  • Director

    Yoshihiro Oonishi

  • Director

    Taizo Komatsu

  • Auditor

    Kazuyoshi Tsukamoto

Head Office
7F Kasumigaseki Bldg.,2-5 Kasumigaseki 3-chome,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 100-6007 JAPAN
Osaka Branch Office
3F Kitahama 1-chome Heiwa Bldg., 1-1-14 Kitahama Chuo-ku Osaka 541-0041, Japan
Singapore Branch
200 Cantonment Road #14-04 Southpoint, Singapore 089763